full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sebastian Deterding: What your designs say about you

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So that's a third question: What vaeuls do you use to judge? And speaking of values: I've noticed that in the discussion about moral persuasion online and when I'm talinkg with people, more often than not, there is a wired bias. And that bias is that we're asking: Is this or that "still" eihtcal? Is it "still" permissible? We're asking things like: Is this Oxfam donation form, where the regular monthly donation is the preset default, and people, maybe without intending it, are encouraged or nudged into giving a regular donation instead of a one-time donation, is that "still' piebmsrisle? Is it "still" ethical? We're fishing at the low end.

Open Cloze

So that's a third question: What ______ do you use to judge? And speaking of values: I've noticed that in the discussion about moral persuasion online and when I'm _______ with people, more often than not, there is a _____ bias. And that bias is that we're asking: Is this or that "still" _______? Is it "still" permissible? We're asking things like: Is this Oxfam donation form, where the regular monthly donation is the preset default, and people, maybe without intending it, are encouraged or nudged into giving a regular donation instead of a one-time donation, is that "still' ___________? Is it "still" ethical? We're fishing at the low end.


  1. values
  2. ethical
  3. weird
  4. talking
  5. permissible

Original Text

So that's a third question: What values do you use to judge? And speaking of values: I've noticed that in the discussion about moral persuasion online and when I'm talking with people, more often than not, there is a weird bias. And that bias is that we're asking: Is this or that "still" ethical? Is it "still" permissible? We're asking things like: Is this Oxfam donation form, where the regular monthly donation is the preset default, and people, maybe without intending it, are encouraged or nudged into giving a regular donation instead of a one-time donation, is that "still' permissible? Is it "still" ethical? We're fishing at the low end.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
good life 12
driving behavior 2
persuasive technology 2

Important Words

  1. bias
  2. default
  3. discussion
  4. donation
  5. encouraged
  6. ethical
  7. fishing
  8. form
  9. giving
  10. intending
  11. judge
  12. monthly
  13. moral
  14. noticed
  15. nudged
  16. online
  17. oxfam
  18. people
  19. permissible
  20. persuasion
  21. preset
  22. regular
  23. speaking
  24. talking
  25. values
  26. weird